Even if you live in a homeowners association, you may not be aware of how the physical analysis for a reserve study works and what the different parts are for the assessments. Did you know there are over 350,000 homeowner associations (HOA) in the United States? The reason being, because there are so many HOAs. Therefore, it may be beneficial to understand the value reserve studies can bring to you and your HOA community.

Reserve studies provide a financial analysis tool for HOA’s. Furthermore, this helps to plan budgets based on the community’s physical and financial reports. Physical and financial analysis play a critical part in maintaining homeowner association communities. The reserve study provider then gives the HOA an online report.

The online information should be accurate, insured, and protected against incorrect repair estimations. If you want to learn more about homeowners association physical analysis and financial assessments for reserve studies, please keep reading. It is one way the HOA can count on assessment results that keep them on top of their financial planning.

Reserve Study 

The condition of an HOA community is of utmost importance. That’s why HOA contracts for reserve studies that perform financial and onsite physical analysis. Reserve study is an umbrella term that covers physical and financial informative reports.

Every physical analysis report has specific components. When the inspections are final, the results integrate into a comprehensive analysis. HOAs use a comprehensive study to help provide financial planning.

Most of the time, HOAs can use the physical assessment report to plan their budget needs for that year. It’s one of the most beneficial financial planning tools an HOA uses. Every assessment comes with onboard website tools as well as cybersecurity protection.

Reserve Study and Protected Data

Cybersecurity protection is through encrypted cloud networks. All the data within an assessment or reserve study helps keep your HOA in compliance with your community needs. The data provided is also accurate, insured, and protected.

It is the physical analysis that provides some of the most relevant information. That’s because it contains a physical condition summation report. It’s that report that has the most impact on the comprehensive review.

Reserve Study Homeowner Association – HOA

Unfortunately, all reserve studies for HOA are not created equal. In fact, there are so many unequal reviews that it led to reserve study changes for HOAs. It is the details provided in an informative physical analysis that are most important.

The details correlate with the financial analysis report. The physical assessment is what determines the existing condition of essential common elements. It is that part of the physical evaluation that’s used to better project cash flow needs. 

The physical assessments help HOA’s with their budget line items staying in their planned cost range. As an HOA, you may never have to deal with costs outside your reserves ever again.

Physical Assessment Homeowner Association (HOA)

The person doing the physical assessment reserve study for the HOA usually does a general evaluation first. The review things like building components, asphalt, drainage, and other amenities. But they also have to find out what’s in the association’s governing documents.

It’s essential to understand what the HOA is and isn’t responsible for before absorbing the repair costs. Not only do you want to understand what the HOA handles, but you need for the analysis estimates to be accurate. But physical assessments are sometimes only as good as the person doing it.

That’s why HOAs have to be so careful, for they are affected by who or what company is providing the inspection. You want to feel confident in the skill level and knowledge of the provider’s assessment report. Providers need exemplary education, references, and experience.

Physical Assessment Quality Control

The provider needs to have reputable quality control measurements for accountability purposes. A physical assessment provider should be under the supervision of a licensed engineer (PE). Sometimes you can substitute the supervision with a Professional Architect.

It is the license of the professional engineer or architect that confirms their training and education. Reserve physical assessment studies need to be done at regular intervals. The HOA’s physical analysis assesses common area conditions that they are responsible for so replacements, repairs, or work orders can commence.

Physical Assessment for HOA Reserve Study 

It’s essential to identify the components that will have the physical assessment, so fund study quantification occurs. It’s important to note that if you’re quantifying what’s in an HOA reserve study appraisal, there are specific components providers seek. Almost all HOA’s consider it significant if components are missing from a physical assessment HOA reserve study as that might be the items that need to be fixed or replaced that were not financially projected. 

Operating budgets and budget projections need to be as accurate. The accuracy of an HOA reserve study needs to offer projected financial solutions. HOAs never want to face unexpected costs that are outside their reserve funds.

Physical Assessments and Routine Maintenance 

Most of the time, routine maintenance is more than provided by HOAs in shared areas of a property. The shared spaces range from a neighborhood pool area to everyday entertainment or physical fitness rooms. The overages often come from significant equipment malfunctions.

Anything that is outside routine maintenance and upkeep impacts the report. The final comprehensive review will provide the HOA with what needs to be repaired. It provides this information so that residents of the HOA receive the best results possible.

Every HOA Benefits From a Reserve Study 

There is almost infinite value to what a homeowners association physical analysis for reserve studies can do for your community. HOA’s physical analysis benefits are limitless. They provide accurate informational reporting on what HOA’s will need to budget for repairs or replacements. The most significant financial service to HOAs is that it allows for proactive preparation.

If your state makes reserve studies mandatory, you want to determine when to do a physical assessment. When you are preparing for a physical assessment or reserve study, reach out to SC-Manage. SC-Manage will help you receive a physical assessment that is accurate and reliable.

SC-Manage ensures that you can trust and plan any future financial commitments needed when you have a reserve study. It’s better to be prepared for the worst and have the best happen. That way, any HOA is ready to spend the reserve finances needed with no surprise expenses.