You’ve invested in your homeowner’s association and committed to making it better. Does this sound like you? If so, you’re in luck! 

Did you know that people with strong connections in their local communities experience lower stress? Not only that, they even live longer!  Being invested in your neighborhood makes for a happier you and a happier community. Talk about a win-win.

Want to make your neighborhood a better place? How about trying for the role of vice president of your HOA? 

As vice president, your most important job is to support the president. As a vital member of your homeowner’s association, you strengthen your ties to your community while honing your leadership skills. 

You may be wondering what the duties and responsibilities for the role look like. Read on to learn more about what an HOA vice president’s duties are.

HOA Vice President Board Member Duties 

As vice president, you provide the structure and stability that keeps an HOA running. If there’s an issue and the homeowners association president cannot step in, you’ll act as the stand-in for the president. You’ll also make decisions to settle issues within the community.

But you do so much more as well. You’ll use your facilitation and communication skills to manage the association and community.

Each Homeowners Association Board Is Different

Each homeowners association has different expectations for the vice president. You may have a range of responsibilities depending on your HOA agreements. HOA boards consist of various committees and positions.

Vice presidents make crucial decisions within committees and substitute for the president. Being part of a homeowners association comes with various responsibilities. Each of these responsibilities keeps the HOA running smoothly. 

The board must keep track of records, make legal decisions, and communicate to residents. As vice president, you’ll attend all board meetings. You work with the president, treasurer, secretary, and other board members at every meeting. 

You might handle budgeting and financial planning as well. Other roles depend on your specific HOA bylaws and expectations. Be sure to check in with your fellow board members.

Second in Command

A vice president’s most important role is to support the HOA president. You need to be ready to step in when the president is not present or cannot lead.

When the President isn’t on duty, you take over their tasks. This includes working with team members, managing the budget, and signing off on important decisions.

Connecting With Others

Your role as vice president of your homeowner’s association means you often find yourself working with others. You may lead committees and serve as the liaison between different groups. 

This means you work with board members. You may also work closely with an experienced property manager who supports you in your duties. You’ll be a point of contact for residents, outside contractors, and within the board. 

Homeowners Association Vice President Qualities

It’s important to think beyond practical duties when considering a role as vice president. You also want to make sure your personality and skills match the position.

An ideal HOA vice president values building relationships with their fellow community members. You should enjoy working as a facilitator, cheering on your fellow board members as you work towards shared goals. Let’s explore some of the qualities that make someone a good fit for the role.

Trustworthy and Dependable

You’re there when people need you. You are a trustworthy person on whom your community can depend.

When the situation calls for it, you show up and take over when the President isn’t there. You take part in committees and attend regular board meetings.

Communication Champion

As a vice president, one of your duties is to communicate with different people. This includes your property manager and different HOA committees. You may even be leading a committee or two, depending on your community’s needs. 

Communication is the key to successful working relationships. You’re great at talking through situations and brainstorming solutions. You lend a listening ear to your fellow board members.

Great Listener

An effective communicator listens well to others.  Understanding the needs and concerns of others makes you a better communicator.  If you’re someone who loves to learn about others and listen to their concerns, you’d be a great member of your HOA board.

Teamwork Skills

You are the first person your Homeowners Association board members will turn to when the President isn’t present. You work with the committees, board members, property management, and residents. Together, you strengthen your neighborhood.

As HOA vice president, your focus is always on your and the board members’ shared goals. 

The most essential quality of an HOA vice president is their commitment to their neighborhood and community. You care, you listen, and you work with your board members.

Working Together Builds Stronger Communities 

The vice president makes their HOA a better organization by standing in for the president and being a community liaison. The goal is to build a team that’ll improve the neighborhood while taking care of each other.

We hope you enjoyed reading about an HOA vice president’s duties. It may seem like a lot of work, but it’s rewarding, and you’re never alone. Your board members are always part of your team, as you have each other’s backs. If you have any questions or want to know more about our California-based property management services, request a proposal. We’d love to hear from you!