As the world continues to evolve, so do HOA Property Management trends. In recent years, we have seen a rise in technology and data-driven solutions for HOA Property Managers. These trends will continue in 2023. 

As more homeowners associations adopt digital solutions, property managers can improve their efficiency while providing better client services. Additionally, with the increasing demand for green technologies, eco-friendly practices will likely become more popular. 

This article will explore the top trends expected to shape HOAs in 2023 and beyond.

HOA Growth 

As the housing market continues to recover from the pandemic, more homeowners associations (HOAs) are likely to form in 2023. With an increased demand for quality and affordable housing, many new developments will pop up that require HOA management services. 

Additionally, with suburban migration on the rise due to remote work opportunities, HOAs are becoming increasingly popular for providing shared amenities like pools and parks. 

This trend will continue in 2023 as more people choose to settle in suburban areas with access to recreational facilities provided by HOAs.

More Efficient Communication 

Homeowners Associations (HOAs) provide a mechanism for members to self-govern their community and rely on efficient communication between boards, owners, and staff. 

An efficient communication system is essential for an HOA to achieve its goals. When done correctly, it: 

  • Allows boards to discuss issues with owners and staff before making decisions.
  • Facilitates the ability of owners to communicate with the board and other members of the HOA.
  • It makes it easier for staff to share information with each other and HOA members.

Without a reliable communication platform, misunderstandings can arise. Decisions can also be delayed or reversed due to a lack of information, and essential tasks may not get completed.

Many HOAs are now investing in digital communication solutions such as online forums, private messaging systems, video conferencing tools, and group chat applications to meet these demands.

These technologies enable faster information exchange among members and enhance collaboration between boards and owners or staff. Digital communication solutions also provide better oversight over important documents, such as meeting minutes or financial reports, that can be easily shared among stakeholders without worrying about security issues. 

Furthermore, these services often come with additional features, such as task automation, that can significantly reduce the workload of individual board members or staff while allowing them to stay up-to-date with key developments within the HOA.

All parties involved in an HOA have the incentive to seek out more frequent and efficient communication platforms, which would lead to better outcomes for everyone involved. Investing in new digital solutions is a great way to improve the functioning of an HOA while ensuring greater transparency across all levels of governance within the organization.

Higher Expenses 

This year, Homeowners Associations (HOAs) will face a significant increase in expenses. With new regulations and rising living costs, HOAs should expect to face unprecedented financial stress in the coming years if unprepared. 

From legal fees to maintenance costs, there is no doubt that these organizations will have to adjust their budgeting practices if they want to stay afloat. In addition, the increased demand for housing could lead to higher property taxes and other associated fees, further adding strain to HOA finances. 

By understanding the potential risks ahead and taking proactive steps now, HOAs can ensure they remain financially stable throughout this transition period. An HOA Management Company can also help HOA board members manage the costs of running their communities in 2023. 

They can help figure out ways to get the best value for their money and ensure that everything runs smoothly. This will save time and money for everyone involved, which makes it easier to manage finances.

HOA Management Software 

Homeowners’ association (HOA) management software can be a powerful tool to help HOAs operate more efficiently and cost-effectively. By utilizing automation and streamlining common processes, HOA management software can reduce the time and labor associated with managing tasks such as accounting, payroll, facility maintenance, dues collection, deed restriction compliance monitoring, and other administrative functions. 

This can mean less manual labor, fewer tedious paperwork processes, and more efficient use of resources across departments. In addition to making management easier for HOA board members, this also leads to significant cost savings for the organization. 

Because HOA management software simplifies operational processes, it can drastically lower costs associated with personnel hours required to maintain operations. 

By reducing staff time spent on mundane tasks such as paperwork processing or data entry and replacing it with automated digital solutions that are faster and more accurate than manual processes, HOAs can save labor costs while still providing excellent service. 

Additionally, because HOA management software helps HOAs stay on top of their finances quickly and accurately, they can make better financial decisions about where to allocate funds which helps them get the most value out of their budget. 

With increased visibility into their finances, HOAs can leverage their funds in the most efficient way possible to ensure they have enough money for materials and services at a time when these expenses often seem to be increased costs prohibitive.

HOA management software also provides access residents with an online portal that allows them easy access to information like account balances or upcoming events without having to contact board members directly – further saving on personnel resources.

Overall, by using HOA software, today’s associations can run more efficiently and save money on operation costs, even when materials and services are becoming increasingly expensive.

Increased Dispute Activity 

With the rise of indefinite flexible work schedules and remote workers, more time spent at home due to the changes we’ve seen will undeniably impact HOA communities. 

With a heightened sense of community presence, there is likely to be an increase in disputes between neighbors. This could include disagreements over noise, traffic, property maintenance, and other issues that typically arise in residential settings. 

Even with protocols and agreements to ensure peace and harmony within these communities, such tensions may bring about the animosity between residents, leading to further disagreements.

Suppose an HOA Association needs help to keep up with disputes or complaints. In that case, they should consider creating a violations committee or hiring a property management company.

Environmental Consciousness 

In 2023, communities nationwide are starting to take action and make their living spaces greener. As environmental concerns become more widespread, homeowners associations (HOAs) across the country are taking steps to become more environmentally conscious. 

They are installing solar panels on homes and community buildings to create greener spaces. HOAs are also finding ways to reduce their carbon footprint and promote community sustainability. Furthermore, state laws have been changing to make it easier for HOA owners to make these green changes.

For example, some states now allow HOAs to install renewable energy sources. This includes solar panels without requiring approval from all association members. With increased access to resources and support from state governments, HOAs can continue making progress toward becoming greener and cleaner.


As the Homeowners Association (HOA) property management industry grows, HOA boards and managers must stay informed on current trends. In 2023, there will be a greater focus on technology-based solutions. These will include online portals and mobile apps to make communication between board members and owners easier. 

Additionally, data analytics tools will become more popular as ways to better understand communities’ needs to provide more targeted services. Finally, virtual events will remain popular due to their convenience and cost-effectiveness. 

Staying ahead of these emerging trends, HOA property management companies can ensure they remain competitive in this rapidly changing market.